Turn right, it's one way.
Originally uploaded by nofrills.
See the irony here? Basically it's a street sign and some posters among houses. But ...
The posters are, from the left,
1) Rubbish collection notice (it's nothing special)
2) "Defend Article 9" poster of/by the Japanese Communist Party
3) A Japanese Communist Party poster showing MP's faces
And the street sign says "go right."
Aaaagh, by the way. I really hope the JCP will get themselves renamed. The other day one of their MPs said there's no (or little, I don't remember correcty) communism left in the party, so why? I wish they could rename themselves the Official Monster Raving Anti-War Defend-9 No-Big-Brother No-Neo-Liberalism Party. At least they would make politics look interesting.
* I'm only being sarcastic as usual, so I hope anyone reading this doesn't get upset.