circle closeup
Originally uploaded by nofrills.
a tokyo photolog (my flickr archive, and occasional rant and rave: I have a free flickr acount, and want to keep the pics I have uploaded.)
The square on the top-left is "border sign" of the road and house/building, I think.
The G sign (yellow one) is for "gas pipe here".
And this "StepAce" thing is the same as that "STEPPOWER" thing. (Another view here.)
An old sign board of a real-property office. "Apart" is a shortened form of "apartment".
Other two sides of this sign:On the left, there are some pieces of paper stuck on a nicely designed sign. And on the paper ten letters/characters are written (and the one in the middle, to which I didn't pay attention when I took this pic).
What is strange is the way the ten letters/characters are shown:
Usually we would writte:
But here, they put it this way:
タイ ムサ
ービ ス実 施中
Ooh! The space! The limit!
And タイムサービス is literaly "time service", and it is one famous Japanglish, which means "happy hour" or something.