Yellow cosmos キバナコスモス
Originally uploaded by nofrills
a tokyo photolog (my flickr archive, and occasional rant and rave: I have a free flickr acount, and want to keep the pics I have uploaded.)
I don't exactly remember how I got this. I'm sure I was struggling with the auto-focus in a windy condition. I was shooting at an maple tree (probably the one next to this tree).
The sunshine has gone. The sky is completely grey, covered with thick cloud. I'm standing under a large maple tree.
The sky tells that it's not summer though it's as unbearably hot and humid as two weeks before.
Picture of Mr Toru Yamaji's tweets:
Today marks the third anniversary of Kenji Nagai's death. On 27th September 207, the Japanese journalist was shot at the close range when he was filming the people's protest in Rangoon, Burma. See the video (raw footage):
Or check out my archive back in 2007:
Nagai was holding a camera when he was shot. But it has been missing since. His family members and work collegues have been demanding that the camera should be returned.
Five days before the anniversary, on 22nd September 2010, Mr Toru Yamaji of the APF News with which Nagai had worked many times, visited the Foreign Ministry to ask what they had found out about Nagai's killing: where is his lost (stolen) camera? Who was the shooter, and why?
The answer Yamaji got was very disappointing. He says on Twitter (in Japanese) that he was appalled. "No new development whatsoever," he writes. "Nothing new since when he was shot dead. The Burmese government says it was a stray bullet. The Japanese government says he was deliberately targeted and shot at close range from behind. And nothing has happened."
The Japanese offficials explained that "the Burmese still say the video (of the moment Nagai was shot) was fake. We take a number of occasions to talk about the matter but they only half-heartedly responds."
"The Burmese junta are convinced that the Japanese will always act weak and do nothing," Yamaji writes.
That is (the gist of) what Yamaji reported/tweeted.
Well, the Japanese government believes that a Japanese national was deliberately killed/murdered. What have they done? Nothing. They didn't severe the ties with Burma's junta. They did not even threaten to do so as far as I know (via the mainstream media). The Official Development Assistance (ODA) has not been stopped (in Japanese) for instance.
Diplomacy? That does not exist in the Japanese government.
Follow Toru Yamaji on twitter (in Japanese):
Mr Kiyomu Toyota, a Japanese photo journalist, posted a picture of the footbridge in Rangoon from where at the time the photographers and videographers stood on and filmed the carnage. The bridge is closed, or sealed, to be precise.
The last remaining flowers of Asagao (morning glory).
25 September 2010.
Finally it's beautiful today! It's been a few months really, after TWO MONTHS of extraordinary heat. 35 degrees (or over) with 60 or 70 per cent humidity has been perfectly normal for Tokyo during this summer, which was extra extra extraordinary.