poppy asterisk
Originally uploaded by nofrills.
a tokyo photolog (my flickr archive, and occasional rant and rave: I have a free flickr acount, and want to keep the pics I have uploaded.)
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Just after the rain, Sunday 29 May 2006.
Tokyo, Japan.
Shot as they were.
Just after the rain, Sunday 29 May 2006.
Tokyo, Japan.
As they were. A close-up shot is here.
Just after the rain, Sunday 29 May 2006.
Tokyo, Japan.
The wind had blown off the petals and people had stepped on them, apparently.
As they were.
Just after the rain, Sunday 29 May 2006.
Tokyo, Japan.
As they are.
Just after the rain, Sunday 29 May 2006.
Tokyo, Japan.
Just after the rain, Sunday 29 May 2006.
Tokyo, Japan.
View large. I never thought this weed was this beautiful. You can't walk in a Japanese suburban or urban areas, without seeing this flower in May.
This flower is called ヒメジオン (hi me ji o n) in Japanese. ヒメ (姫: hi me) means "small, tiny" and ジオン (ji o n) must be referring this kind of daisies.
Another name for this flower is ビンボウグザ (bi n bo u gu sa). ビンボウ (bi n bo u) means "poor, skint, deprived". グサ (gu sa) is basically クサ (ku sa), which means "plant, weed". So ビンボウグザ (bi n bo u gu sa) is "poor person's flower". I don't know anything about why it is called so, but when I was young, my grandmother used to tell me not to pick this flower because "it will make you poor". But I couldn't resist. They were so pretty, and they were everywhere. Probably that's why I'm not rich? ;-)
Judging from the look of the sky, tomorrow will be... cloudy, though it's just stopped raining.
A bit big for a dove feather?
28 May 2006, around 15.30.
Tokyo, Japan
Just after the rain: we've had ENOUGH rain indeed...
28 May 2006, around 15.30.
Tokyo, Japan