Shadows on wood
Originally uploaded by nofrills
a tokyo photolog (my flickr archive, and occasional rant and rave: I have a free flickr acount, and want to keep the pics I have uploaded.)
Worm's eye view.
金木犀 (キンモクセイ kin moku sei) is a typical autumnal blossom.
See also:
At your feet. Tiny orange pieces.
金木犀 (キンモクセイ kin moku sei) is a typical autumnal blossom.
A poster on a fence. "Our cat missing. Please get in touch if you see this cat. She wears white collar."
They are called 彼岸花 (higan-bana) because they come out at the autumnal equinoctial week (during which 彼岸会 are held). But this year they come rather late possibly because of the extreme heat during summer.
More usual than the white ones.
They are called 彼岸花 (higan-bana) because they come out at the autumnal equinoctial week (during which 彼岸会 are held). But this year they come rather late possibly because of the extreme heat during summer.
On an unusually hot day (30 degrees) in October.