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20 August 2005

"Falluja" film by Mr Doi - flyer 3

"Falluja" film by Mr Doi - flyer 3
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Mr Doi Toshikuni is a Japanese journalist known for his work from/in the Gaza strip and the west bank. He visited Falluja in May 2004, right after the first siege, for seven days. He met and talked to local people, wrote a book (from Iwanami Shoten, in Japanese only), and made this documentary film.

Mr Doi called this film "a record". The film is very honest, and really painful. He visited houses, hospitals and clinics, football ground (the grave yard) and talked with the fathers, mothers, sons and daughters.

This film has no voice-over or added music.
Language: Arabic (with Japanese or English subtitles)
Price: 3,500 JPY

Contact (e-mail): falluja2004 (at-mark) hotmail (dot) co (dot) jp

If you read Japanese, this flyer is downloadable from:

Here's my post about this film (in Japanese):

Three shots of the same flyer(s)
one, two and three.

"Falluja" film by Mr Doi - flyer 2

"Falluja" film by Mr Doi - flyer 2
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Mr Doi Toshikuni is a Japanese journalist known for his work from/in the Gaza strip and the west bank. He visited Falluja in May 2004, right after the first siege, for seven days. He met and talked to local people, wrote a book (from Iwanami Shoten, in Japanese only), and made this documentary film.

Mr Doi called this film "a record". The film is very honest, and really painful. He visited houses, hospitals and clinics, football ground (the grave yard) and talked with the fathers, mothers, sons and daughters.

This film has no voice-over or added music.
Language: Arabic (with Japanese or English subtitles)
Price: 3,500 JPY

Contact (e-mail): falluja2004 (at-mark) hotmail (dot) co (dot) jp

If you read Japanese, this flyer is downloadable from:

Here's my post about this film (in Japanese):

Three shots of the same flyer(s)
one, two and three.

"Falluja" film by Mr Doi - flyer 1

"Falluja" film by Mr Doi - flyer 1
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Mr Doi Toshikuni is a Japanese journalist known for his work from/in the Gaza strip and the west bank. He visited Falluja in May 2004, right after the first siege, for seven days. He met and talked to local people, wrote a book (from Iwanami Shoten, in Japanese only), and made this documentary film.

Mr Doi called this film "a record". The film is very honest, and really painful. He visited houses, hospitals and clinics, football ground (the grave yard) and talked with the fathers, mothers, sons and daughters.

This film has no voice-over or added music.
Language: Arabic (with Japanese or English subtitles)
Price: 3,500 JPY

Contact (e-mail): falluja2004 (at-mark) hotmail (dot) co (dot) jp

If you read Japanese, this flyer is downloadable from:

Here's my post about this film (in Japanese):

Three shots of the same flyer(s)
one, two and three.

19 August 2005

my stomach... (3 June 2005)

my stomach... (3 June 2005)
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

For your stomach pain, 4 tablets at a time, 3 times a day, and you'll get better. (I've got better after 12 tablets.)


18 August 2005

how to keep your city tidy

keep your city tidy
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

A hole on a wall with some dirt and an empty ciggy case. (No NINJA inside.)

On the way to the post office.

I just thought this shows the culture of "litter hiding" - I'm not sure why, even though I am a Japanese, but there seems to be a manner of "litter hiding" everywhere in here. I mean, if the litter you throw away is not visible, you feel okay, although it's nothing different from littering on your street ("poi-sute" in Japanese).

baby manhole

baby manhole
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

This shows Tokyo's obsession with cherry blossoms together with this or this.
Taken on June 1, 2005

17 August 2005

cases 01

cases 01
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Wednesday is a weekly holiday for many local stores in Tokyo. So my local off-license (liquar shop) was closed on 1 June 2005, but I was able to see their backyard full of cases and empty bottles. They are ready to be sent back to cleaning factories to be reused.

*I was sick in bed for a few days and was late for uploading this pic.

cases 02

cases 02
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Taken on June 1, 2005

cases 03

cases 03
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Taken on June 1, 2005

16 August 2005

three textures and a round one

three textures and a round one
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

A street in Tokyo, Japan. On Sunday.

Taken on May 22, 2005

shutter and two lanterns

shutter and two lanterns
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Taken on May 22, 2005