uk election on a japanese blog
Originally uploaded by nofrills.
In my main weblog (in Japanese), basically I write about the UK - politics, society and sight-seeing tips.
You can't see politics itself - you can see politicians, posters, slogans, et al but not the abstract noun. That's why politics in another country looks "unknown", "unfamiliar", or even "difficult".
And the Japanese press and TV are not really interested in the politics in the UK - or at least, seems so to me. Thus, not many people know or are interested in the UK politics.
Whereas, I think UK's politics and Japan's are getting more and more similar. You really haven't got any choice between the two main parties, and a third party is not big enough now, so if you want to say NO to your government, it seems that there's nothing valid for you to do. The ways (or art) of control of the media is similar, too.
We need to know outside world to know ourselves.
So... as I wrote above, I write about the UK. Naturally I write about this elections as much as possible. But, the words are not enough. I was looking for something, and... hooooray! I have this flickr thing, mate!
Some of my contacts in Britain (knautia especially) have been showing me how it "looks" at the election time. Posters, badges, windows, stickers, stencils, handouts, ...
I was secretly watching them every day to get the picture - what it looks like. I loved them. I loved those images.
And now the election is over, Tony Blair won his seat as well as George Galloway, and I would like those lively images to help me and my readers a bit. Sadly words can't always reach. Images do.
I put toghether some links to the flickr "UK election" images at this page of mine (in Japanese, but it consists mainly URLs) including the group pool... but that didn't look sufficient: I needed a picture.
So I hesitated to do this for a moment, because people might not like me doing this, or purely concerning their licenses, but I put [prt sc] key and nicked the group pool thumnails. This will certainly make the readers click on, I believe.
I want a lot of people to "look" or just "see" how the election looks in there, to feel something.
If I am violating any your rights, please flickr mail me, and I will remove the picture both from here and my blog.
My blog is a non-profit, personal project, run on a free rental server.
ch.kitaguni.tv/u/917 (BTW, "kitaguni" means "a northern land" because the server is up in the north.)
Thank you all, I could have known less without your pictures of posters, ballots, polling stations et al.