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16 January 2010

Haiti relief poster - calling for donation [Tokyo, Japan]

Haiti relief poster - calling for donation [Tokyo, Japan]
Haiti relief poster - calling for donation [Tokyo, Japan]
Originally uploaded by nofrills

Convenience store chains, including Seven Eleven and Family Mart, join in with Haiti Earthquake relief efforts. In my neighbourhood (when I'm on a bike - not on foot) there are five or more convenience stores (too many) and every single store front has a poster like this pictured above.

See notes for details.

On 17 January 1995, Japan had the biggest and worst earthquake in its modern history. The quake hit Kobe, one of the largest cities in Japan. The most densely inhabited areas were badly hit. Thousands were killed. Many more injured and traumatised. Tens of thousands of homes and buildings were damaged and/or burnt.

The quake didn't hit me (I was in Tokyo) but watching the TV screen, it scares me out. Many others who weren't directly hit by the quake have the same feeling, and every year around 17 January we are reminded of the horror. It is very devastating to watch another huge quake hit vulnerable people.

If you want to donate:
news.cnet.com/8301-13860_3-10434884-56.html (Cnet news article in English)
japan.cnet.com/news/biz/story/0,2000056020,20406712,00.htm (Ibid. In Japanese)


This photo was mentioned in a Facebook group of English-speaking residents in Japan when there was scarce information in English on how to donate. I'm glad that this tiny pic for my own personal documentation of the year could be of some help for others.

I added some more information in the comment section below the picture. Click on the picture to read it.

Blue, again

Blue, again
Originally uploaded by nofrills


Originally uploaded by nofrills


Originally uploaded by nofrills


Originally uploaded by nofrills


Originally uploaded by nofrills

Winter wonderland. No insects can be seen on the surface.