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8 August 2009


Originally uploaded by nofrills

Written on Saturday, 8 August 2009 (around 13:00: posted here)

Just woke up. What a show. What a night. Thank you Trent, Robin, Justin, Ilan and everyone involved in NIN. Thank you my fellow fans in the arena.

Osaka, you can expect a really intense show tonight. I've been to NIN shows in 2000, 2005 and 2007, and this was the most intense.

When the show started, it was getting dark, due to the sunset and the dark clouds. I felt a few raindrops on my face during Heresy, but it was during The Frail when the downpour started to seem for real, complete with thunder. I was in the arena (right block) and saw some people leave - it really was too much rain - but most of us remained. I was reminded of Woodstock 94 which I only saw in a TV/computer screen. I couldn't believe it was real until I heard a woman standing next to me say "What a fun!" during I'm Afraid of Americans.

Among us in the arena, there were many moments of smile and happiness in the heavy rain. There was something that can even be called "solidarity". We were in that together. The Marine Stage is a baseball stadium covered with thick plastic sheet, so it was like a huge pond. I was drenched from head to toe. Even my wallet in my hip pocket was so soaked that I had trouble to take out a banknote afterwards.

The downpour had turned into a shower by the time they started Hurt. As if planned. Beautiful.

During Burn they started moshing a couple of raws in front of me. They were real moshers, not "pushers", and it was really organised (and chaotic at the same time). The mosh pit was there during Gave Up, Wish, Survivalism, THTF and I could almost join. In fact I didn't - I couldn't move my legs because my trousers were sticking. If I had joined, it would have been the first moshpit in 15 years for me. ;)

The best moment for me was The Frail - when it started pouring. People were quietly listening - I never hear anybody talk or chatter during the quiet songs in NIN shows in Japan - and the sound of rain, could be felt if inaudible, made it so special. Surprises were Closer being played and HLAH not being played at the end.

When the MC guy's voice came "Nine Inch Nails! Thank you! What a show!", we knew it was the end but remained there for a while. The crowd were chanting "Nine Inch Nails!" and clapping. Well, Trent said it was their last show in Tokyo but I'm still hoping to see them play HLAH at the end. A 15-song set is too small and short for us to wave goodbye after all the 20 years. Please come back.

@nineinchnails on twitter uploaded this video yesterday during the show:
"Burn," minutes ago from rain-soaked Tokyo (via iPhone 3GS):