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27 November 2004

My main photolog is at Flickr.com

Please take a look at my Flickr.com site to see new pictures from me.

At first I thought of using here as my main photolog. But instead, this space has become where I archive older ones, and so, all the "November" photos so far is not actually November ones but October ones. Sorry but I'm such a mess basically. ;-)


weather report

weather report
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Tomorrow's fine, at least ...

a happy face

a happy face
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Back home, the TV is showing a happy face; politician's face.

keeping left

keeping left
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

... just like this.

keep left

keep left
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Yeah, I will ...


Originally uploaded by nofrills.

This is a window of a restaurant, which I frequented about ten years ago, when I was working near here. It's good to keep seeing something familiar for a decade.

on the way

on the way
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Then, I took my way back home.

have a break

have a break
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

This is Vietnamese coffee.

more languages!

more languages!
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

... And this lady seems to be living in Basque and Cornwall at the same time!


Originally uploaded by nofrills.

At a large regular bookstore, I found EuroTalk series' Japanese edition. From what I see, the same lady is introducing Pekingnese, Cantonese and Korean(!): different lady introduces several south-Asian languages.

book store sign board

book store sign board
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

yet another book store sign

yet another book store sign
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

This character means "book, or script."

another book store sign

another book store sign
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Here's the colourful one.

book store sign

book store sign
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

The tiny colourful bits are reflections from something festive (plastic flowers) hanging above.