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7 May 2005

look what I'm reading

look what I'm reading
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

A few days ago, Terry Bain commented on my dog picture with links.

I read two pages at amazon.com, and went straight to amazon.co.jp because I live in Japan, and voila! It's here today.

Thank you, Terry, for telling me that my dog was trying to protect me from the evil vacuum! I thought he just hated my mother's lovely vacuum cleaner.

-- Amazon.co.jp link here, if you are in Japan.

-- The author's flickr site and blog.

The stories on Terry's blog make me somewhat emotional, because our dog used to be a miserable stray dog before he came to our house. After almost 18 years at our home, he died peacefully, hearing all the family say "thank you".

I know someone in Tokyo who adopted a nearly-stray female dog. She had been kept by a homeless old man, and when he died, she had nowhere to go but a dog rescue team. She was a crossbred of Shiba and Siberian Huskie, and quite large, so had a long wait until she found a new family. I met the dog only once, but I can say she's a gentle, thoughtful soul.