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24 July 2009

Adebisi Shank - Upstairs! (series)

Adebisi Shank, live at Marz, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan (23 July 2009)

Adebisi Shank is an instrumental rock/punk trio from Ireland:

Watch my video (an entire song):


The masked bassist decided to climb up on the PA stack and get to the terrace, where I was standing LOLing. I remembered I had a camera but my battery was running out - shame, I wish I could have recorded this historic event in a movie file!

The guy in a white shirt is an innocent bystander. He was asked by the bassist (named Vinnie) to hold his bass for a sec. And he helped to get the cable in place. Such kindness. *tears*

Adebisi Shank - Upstairs! 02

Adebisi Shank - Upstairs! 03
Here, the guitarlist climes up too to join the masked bass player. Beautiful. Shame, it was too dark, my camera was too slow, and I was loling so hard that I just managed to handle the "auto" mode.

Adebisi Shank - Upstairs! 04

Adebisi Shank - Upstairs! 05
The masked bassist is getting back on stage.

Adebisi Shank - Upstairs! 06
The masked bassist is moving too fast!