A late night TV show for rock music lovers
Originally uploaded by nofrills.
Rock Fujiyama is one of the most amusing late-night shows for rock music lovers. The show is hosted by Marty Friedman (ex-Megadeth), an MTV personality called Ayukai and a girl called Shelly. Rolly Teranisi, a well-known Japanese rock guitarlist/singer, and who once played Dr Frank N Furter in the musical Rocky Horror Show, appears each week as the "mad guitarist". Each week they have guests and have talks, do some sessions, and have funny Rock quiz competition.
Marty Friedman has been in Japan for several years, and he's very very fluent in Japanese. He speaks almost as natural as any Japanese native speaker. He sometimes appears on other shows - for example, an educational variety show called 英語でしゃべらナイト ([eigo de shabera naito], which translates like "Tonight we've got to go in English"), and Study English with our Juke Box, and talks about his experiences in Japan and in the Japanese language.
Marty also appears to be representing "metal", according to a Japanese iron and steel industry group.
The picture above is just before they go into a commercial break - the subtitle is for attention-seeking purposes only. (The show is in Japanese.) It reads "After the break, the most exciting live session you can imagine, with so many people on the stage!" Well, tonight's guests, the Triceratops, are a rock trio, and there's Marty, joined by Rolly, so it's five people on the small stage. Usually they have only one guest, and the stage is basically designed for three people.
The picture below is from the session; Marty on the left, the Triceratops' Wada in the middle, and Rolly (in his specially hand-made Gary Glitter jump suit) on the right. They played some "ever green" tunes including the Beatles (I don't remember which song - an early one).