"The Day of the Jackal" Japanese edition - front cover
Originally uploaded by nofrills.
As I wrote the other day, I really can't quit second-hand bookstores. The famous Book-Off (ブックオフ) is not traditional kind of used bookstores, and I don't like all the noise there (J-POP thingy: I can't concentrate), but they have huge "100 yen" shelves. They put every old, dusty book in there. So, BO's 100-yen shelves are treasure islands.
Today, I'm just back from one of the BO stores in Tokyo. With four 100 yen books. Thus, my books keep growing.
Anyway one of the find was this: Frederic Forsyth's classic novel, "The Day of the Jackal". Hardcover. Published by 角川春樹 (笑). 昭和59年 (1984!), 33rd print, first print being in 1973. And 100 yen.
Yes, I have "The Day of the Jackal" Japanese edition's bunko (paperback). I've read it four or five times. (If you don't like F. Forsyth's political point of view, this novel is exceptional, 別格! And "Dogs of War" too. So just try!)
I knew it's nonsense to buy a book which I already have, already read. But the hardcover looks SOOOOOO classic! Hard-boiled! ゴルゴ13! And it was only 100 yen.
Thus, my books keep growing.