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2 September 2005

all the political party posters I found on the way

all the political party posters I found on the way
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Five images are combined. View full size for details.

TOP LEFT: Liberal Democrat Party (自民党,Jimin-to)
TOP RIGHT: Liberal Party of Japan (民主党,Minshu-to)
BOTTOM LEFT and MIDDLE: Japan Communist Party (共産党,Kyosan-to)
BOTTOM RIGHT: Tokyo Seikatsusha Network (東京・生活者ネットワーク)
# Tokyo Seikatsusha Net are a Tokyo local political party. Seikatsusha is "people who live here" but rather difficult to translate the full meaning... They mean consumers, mothers, and workers by using this word.

These are all the political party posters I found on the way to the polling station. The LibDems and the Liberals are not "posters" actually but their poster/bulletin boards.

The Japan Communist Party are really enthusiastic about their posters. Eight different posters are in two pictures, but I think I've seen several others, so there must be fourteen or fifteen kinds of posters in all.

There's one more mainstream political party, Komei-to, but I didn't see their posters on the way. Still, if I walk the other way (to the station, not to the school that is the polling station), I see tens of thousands of Komei-to posters!!!