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2 April 2007

A pun on "ubiquitous" - 「ユビキタス」で駄洒落

A pun on "ubiquitous" - 「ユビキタス」で駄洒落
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Ubiquitous = ユビキタス in katakana.
ユビキタス = ユビ、キタス = 指、来たっす
指 = finger
来た = has come
っす = a colloquial expression of 「です」 but it's difficult to explain in English.

ケータイ here means:
1) 携帯 = mobile
2) 形態 = form, shape etc

So the message is:
"Ubiquitous computing. You push the buttons with your finger, and it's done! This is the new form of mobile computing."