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26 February 2007

At the end of the show

At the end of the show
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

The end of the show. They are just talking as usual - "It was a lot of fun" and so on. Here goes Marty saying (in Japanese) "楽しいじゃん、もう" (I don't think I can translate the feeling, but it's "It was a lot of fun, you know"), "セットチェンジの時に、和田さんと2人ですごい色々な曲にハマっちゃったんだよ" (translates: "During they changed the studio sets, me and Wada just had too much fun, you know, couldn't stop playing this song, that song, one after another.")

He added "だから結構スタッフには迷惑だったんだけどね (It was pretty much annoying for the guys removing the back drops)." But they kept on playing, I suppose.

Marty's Japanese is perfect, it's as natual as we (native speakers) talk every day. But some of the expressions he uses, you may not find in the textbooks because it's very informal, everyday kind of spoken Japanese. Some people might want to call expressions like 「~じゃん」 and 「ハマる」 "slang".

「~じゃん」 is mainly used in Tokyo and surrounding area, and is something like "innit" and "you know" in English.

「ハマる」 was introduced to our daily vocaburary around 1985 or 1990, if I remember correctly, and it means "get addicted, can't stop" because it's fun.

In other cases, like 薬物にハマる or ギャンブルにハマる, the word means "to keep doing bad things while one knows it's bad". In kanji, it's 嵌まる, "to be put into a hole and can't get out."

About this show (my description):
