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5 April 2011

#Quakebook on The Japan Times, 29 March 2011 (Page 15)

#Quakebook on The Japan Times, 29 March 2011 (Page 15)
Originally uploaded by nofrills

To read this article, to see whose art this is etc, please visit:

The #Quakebook is a project to raise fund for Japanese Red Cross to help the recent quake/tsunami victims in Tohoku (the northeast) area of Japan. It was made possible by @OurManInAbiko's brilliance and tirelessness along with the help of a great number of ppl, indeed 100s, around the world, including the Science Fiction legend William Gibson.

For more info, please visit:

Read the media coverage:

You can read my story on my blog:

My story in 日本語:

If you are a Gibson fan, Abiko, where @ourmaninbiko is based, is in Chiba, btw...