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24 September 2007

If only there were some more red... No 1

If only there were some more red... No 1
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

A street in Tokyo, 15 September 2007. See notes for some language tips.

Well, I decided to make my kind of documentary after the Upper House election (on 28 July 2007) and looked for the two main party's posters on my way. This poster was for the election. The old man below is a veteran LDP lawmaker, Mr Sanzo Hosaka, who failed to be elected this time.

What I find funny is the LDP Tokyo were planning a gathering for "2016 Tokyo Olympic Games" on 31st July 2007 - three days after the election. They must have expected an up-beat meeting of the "2016 Tokyo" supporters. I have no idea about how it turned out, but I don't think the LDP were happy after the heavy loss - the control of the Upper House had gone to the opposition.

Even after the heavy loss at the election, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was, well, defiant. He said it was his duty to carry on. He reminded me of Mr Tony Blair in 2005, although Abe is still worse than Bliar as a politician.

He went to the Apec summit in Sydney, Australia, where he showed us the fact that he was a good friend of the American president, etc etc. Less than a week later, on the 10th September, Mr Abe made his policy speech at the House of Representatives. Everyone thought he was to carry on. The opposition parties were preparing their questions to ask the prime minister.

And then, alas! On 12th September, on the very day he was supposed to answer the opposition questions, Mr Abe suddenly said he was going to step down! We have never heard a PM stepping down after making a policy speech without answering questions!!

This is why we think he is irresponsible.

The Diet (national congress) has been suspended since then, and the irresponsible Abe has been in hospital because he is sick in stomach. Sick in stomach? Well, I would like to express my sympathy for the hardships suffered by the prime minister... (click on the link and you will see that I am joking.)

Anyway, this farce is going to end today. The governing Liberal Democrats are going to choose a new party president, which means we will have our new prime minister. I'm not a LDP member so I don't have a say. (To tell the truth, I am totally fed up with the "new PM election" farce on the mainstream media.)

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