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2 September 2005

the Invitation Card (election certificate, actually)

the Invitation Card (election certificate, actually)
Originally uploaded by nofrills.

Arriving at the polling station, you give this piece of paper to the election man (or woman), who checks the paper befor telling you "Go to the teller No.X" very politely.

Then at the teller No.X, another election man (or woman) checks on a computer and askes "You are Mr/Ms John/Jane Doe, right?" A moment after you reply "Yes," you get your ballot paper.

There are three people sitting and watching, and I dared not take a picture of the ballot paper.

It was a really high-tech stuff I heard, a plastic paper that can easily open if it is folded. You know Japanese people like Origami, and we usually make the full use of our origami skills on the ballot paper. That's why the peper must open easily.

(I'm just joking about the Origami bit, but the "easy-open plastic paper" is true.)

At the booth, there's a list of names on the wall, and three or four pencils.

You write one name out of the list on the wall using one of these pencils. Be careful not to write a wrong kanji, as there's no rubber/eraser.

Taken on 3 July 2005